Taxonomic Notes
Yamamoto et al. (2004) describes phylogeography of this species primarily in Japan, but includes one group of samples from Sakhalin Island, Russia. An analysis of variation in mtDNA was not found to be congruent with existing subspecies recognized in Japan (s. l. leucomaenis, S. l. imbrius, S. l pluvius, and S. l. japonicus). Genetic variation was far more pronounced within subspecies than among subspecies, suggesting that each population, rather then each subspecies, should be treated as an evolutionarily significant unit.
Salvelinus leucomaenis is widespread. It only faces low pressure threats from amateur and sports fishing. It occurs within multiple protected areas. Therefore, this species is assessed as Least Concern.
Geographic Range Information
Salvelinus leucomaenis occurs from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to far east Russia and Japan (Antonov et al. 2019). It is native to Hokkaido and Honshu islands, as well as the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, Bolshoy Shantar Island (Shantarskiy Islands), Kamchatka along the eastern coast northwards to rivers of Korf Bay (Vyvenka and Kultushnaya; the Kuril Islands (Shumshu, Paramushir, Simushir, Urup, Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan, Tanfil’ev), rivers of Primorsky Krai, the Amur Liman, and the Shantar Islands; Sakhalin. On Sakhalin it occurs along all of the coasts with the largest population on the western and south-eastern sides, including almost all the rivers, lagoons, and lakes that have connection with the sea. In the rivers, it migrates upstream to the upper reaches, including large rivers Tym’ and Poronai. In the continental rivers flowing into the Sea of Okhotsk, the species is not numerous and only found in the largest rivers: Taui, Paren, Kava, Penzhina. A separate residential population lives in the Chukcha lake-river system in the river Taui.
Population Information
It never reaches a high abundance and is found patchily along rivers. The only recent data available are from Antonov et al. (2019) who states the species is common in the Amur estuary and the river flowing into it. The overall trend of this species population is unknown and requires research.
Habitat and Ecology Information
The largest populations reproduce in basins with extended lowlands and extensive estuaries. Generally, the anadromous form of the species is the most numerous. In spring or early summer it migrates to the coastal areas of the sea and returns to the rivers for feeding and breeding in late summer but land-locked and riverine resident population also exist (Reshetnikov 2002).
In the north of the range, this species migrate to the sea for the first time at the age of 3-5 years, and in the south at 2-3 years (Reshetnikov 2002). During the lifespan of the northern range form, there are up to 10-11 annual marine migrations, with a total life expectancy of 16-17 years (Reshetnikov 2002).
In the south of its range the species is smaller, with a body length of 58-81 cm, weight of 2.2-5.6 kg and maximum age of 7-10 years. Here, it does not migrate far to the sea and lives in river mouths, shallow and warm bays and lagoons (Reshetnikov 2002).
In freshwater, young feed on benthos, eggs and fry of fish, beetles and ground insects. After wintering, the adults mostly feed on fish while in the rivers. In the sea, fish also take first place in the diet, but also lack the ability to easily switch to feed on macroplankton. During anadromous migration, it does not eat.
The anadromous form matures at the age of 5-10 years after 2-7 migrations to the sea, more often at 7-8 years after 4-6 migrations (Reshetnikov 2002). In the south of the range it matures at 3-5 years and can be ready for reproduction already after the first summer of life in the sea (Reshetnikov 2002). Non-migratory lacustrine and riverine forms mature at 6-8 years (Reshetnikov 2002). Spawning occurs from the second half of August (in the north of the range) to September-October in shallow tributaries of the middle and lower reaches of rivers on gravel substrate (Reshetnikov 2002). It builds redds and buries eggs. Annual spawning is generally characteristic of the species, although individuals who miss a spawning are found among the residential and anadromous populations (Reshetnikov 2002). Absolute fecundity varies widely: 0.5-2.2 thousand eggs in land-locked and 0.71-6.7 thousand eggs in the anadromous form (Reshetnikov 2002). Larvae emerge from redds in March (in the south of the area) or in late April (in the north) (Reshetnikov 2002).
A resident thermal brook ecotype is found in the only watercourse, stream Teplyy, that flows into the Semyachik estuary (Kronotsky Bay of Kamchatka). The spawning group included no more than 500-600 individuals and inhabits a 7 km stretch of mountain stream below a source of highly mineralized groundwater having a constant temperature of 22°C.
The species has been well studied in Japan. In addition to genetic divergence reported in Yamamoto et al. (2004), ecological differences have been reported among populations, including egg size (Morita 2003), growth rate (Yamamoto et al. 1999), and size and age at the time of seaward migration (Yamamoto and Morita 2002).
Threats Information
This species is an object of amateur and sports fishing, but not commercial fishing.
Many White Spotted Charr populations in Japan have suffered from genetic degradation, excessive competition, overfishing, and introductions. The effects of damming on the life history of the species in Japan has been described by Morita et al. (2000). A modelling study by Fukushima et al. (2007) documented a negative association of occurrence of White Spotted Charr with the presence of downstream dams. Climate change is likely to have a dramatic affect on the species. Nakano et al. (1996) predicted range loss on the scale of 4-46% associated with increases in mean air temperature of 1-4°C.
Use and Trade Information
This species has no commercial value but is an object of amateur and sport fishing (Reshetnikov 2002).
Conservation Actions Information
It is a typical inhabitant of the rivers of the North Pacific and does not need special protection measures (Esin and Markevich 2017). This species is widespread and occurs in multiple protected areas, such as Magadan State Natural Reserve and Kamchatka Nature Reserve, Russia. Further research into the population is recommended.
Many populations are highly fragmented in Japan as a results of dam construction and other impediments to migration. Yamamoto et al. (2004) emphasized the importance of recognizing and protecting individual populations (evolutionarily significant units) in conservation and management. Reconnecting migratory paths (e.g. dam removal or modification to allow passage) is strongly recommended within Japan to help improve the status of the species there.