
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is a critical indicator of the health of the world’s biodiversity – a Barometer of Life – telling us what we need to know to save wild species. So far, over 166,000 species have been assessed for The IUCN Red List. Our goal, based on The IUCN Red List 2021-2030 Strategic Plan, is to include assessments for 260,000 species and to reassess 142,000 species.

Our urgent targets are to:

  • Fund the reassessment of all comprehensively assessed groups. This is essential to continue monitoring the changing status of species across the world.
  • Fund the assessment of taxa not yet represented on The IUCN Red List. This will help expand coverage to a more representative subset of the planet's biodiversity.
For more information, see the Barometer of Life page.

Help us make the IUCN Red List a more complete Barometer of Life. Donate now.