Irridescent Pea Mussel
Euglesa pulchella ( formerly as : Pisidium pulchellum )
The Red List Assessment
Prié, V. & Lopes-Lima, M. 2024. Euglesa pulchella (Europe assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024: e.T155617A211985841. Accessed on 20 March 2025.
Population trend
Number of mature individuals
Habitat and ecology
Wetlands (inland), Artificial/Aquatic & Marine
Geographic range
Extant (resident)
Possibly Extant (resident)
Assessment Information
IUCN Red List Category and Criteria
Date assessed
08 December 2022
Year published
Assessment Information in detail
Geographic Range
Extant (resident)
Belgium; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Russian Federation; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; United Kingdom
Extant (resident)
Austria; Belarus; Czechia; Moldova; Russian Federation; Serbia; Slovakia; Ukraine
Possibly Extant (resident)
Iceland; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg
Presence Uncertain
Russian Federation; Türkiye
Number of locations
Upper depth limit
Lower depth limit
Geographic Range in detail
Current population trend
Number of mature individuals
Population severely fragmented
Continuing decline of mature individuals
Population in detail
Habitat and Ecology
Habitat type
Generation length (years)
Movement patterns
Not a Migrant
Continuing decline in area, extent and/or quality of habitat
Habitat and Ecology in detail
Transportation & service corridors
- Shipping lanes
Natural system modifications
- Other ecosystem modifications
Invasive and other problematic species, genes & diseases
- Invasive non-native/alien species/diseases
- Domestic & urban waste water
- Industrial & military effluents
- Agricultural & forestry effluents
Climate change & severe weather
- Habitat shifting & alteration
- Droughts
- Temperature extremes
Threats in detail
Use and Trade
Use and Trade in detail
Conservation Actions
In-place land/water protection
- Occurs in at least one protected area : Yes
Conservation Actions in detail
Acknowledgements in detail
Red List Bibliography
Green Status Bibliography
External Data
Images and External Links
Images and External Links in detail
CITES Legislation from Species+
Data source
The information below is from the Species+ website.
CITES Legislation from Species+ in detail
Ex situ data from Species360
Data source
The information below is from Species360's Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS).
Ex situ data from Species360 in detail
Studies and Actions from Conservation Evidence
Data source
The information below is from the Conservation Evidence website.