The species has been collected in all three of the Guianas and seems to be geographically well distributed. There are no known economic or subsistence values that would lead to the species being overharvested. In Guyana, the known localities of the species seem to be relatively protected, due to the status of the Iwokrama Forest Reserve of Guyana and the higher elevations and remoteness of the Pakaraima Mountains. However, the species subpopulations within the Brokopondo lake area in Suriname might be threatened by mining activities (e.g. degradation and destruction of riparian habitat due to unregulated, alluvial gold-mining) and quite possibly (but in the near future unlikely) flooding of the Kabalebo area for the construction of a hydro dam (in Nickerie). A certain amount of pressure on the species habitat is also to be expected in French Guiana, where several specimens were collected near a disturbed forest edge of a forest concession (Piste St. Elie). As several specimens in both Suriname and French Guiana were collected only once in those areas, and a certain amount of time (for Suriname since 1965 and for French Guiana since 1992) has passed without recollection, the status of those specimens and in retrospect, the subpopulations, is unclear. However, based on the amount of specimens collected in French Guiana at several locations with less environmental pressure than at Piste St. Elie and the relative protected status of the subpopulations in Guyana, it is deemed appropriate to categorize the species as one of Least Concern. However, with more botanical collections and research on the taxonomy, ecology and population dynamics of the species the conservation status might be changed.
Geographic Range Information
The species occurs in Suriname, French Guiana, and Guyana. The first specimens in Suriname were collected by Maas (in 1965) in northwestern Suriname, Snake Creek (a tributary of the Marataka river). Other localities in Suriname are situated in: Corantyne river area - Winanna creek; area of the Brokopondo lake - in the vicinity of Brownsberg National Park; Nickerie - in the area of the planned Kabalebo dam project. Most specimens (documented on GBIF) have been collected within French Guiana at numerous localities (Region de Saül - La Fumée Mountains; Piste St. Elie - Station Biologique Orstom; Bassin du Sinnamary - Courcibo river; vicinity of Saut Caouene; Bassin du Maroni - Godebert; Bassin de l’Approuague - Station des Nouragues), whereas in Guyana the specimens were collected at only two localities, namely: Whitewater Creek (Iwokrama Forest Reserve) and the upper Ireng river (Pakaraima Mountains).
Population Information
Based on the collections it seems as if the species occurs in higher densities in French Guiana (FG), as opposed to Suriname and Guyana; though, this might be due to the higher frequency of botanical collection activities in FG. From the available collections and according to literature (Acevedo-Rodríguez 2003) it appears that the species has a wide habitat geographical distribution across the Guiana Shield. However, quantitative information to estimate population size and possible trends is lacking.
Habitat and Ecology Information
The species growth form is a tree up to 30 m tall with a trunk reaching 35 cm in diameter. The species has a wide habitat geographical distribution and can grow on diverse substrates. According to Acevedo-Rodríguez (2003) the species can be found in French Guiana in lowland, moist, primary, non-flooded forest. However, the specimens collected in Guyana (according to GBIF records) were from 2 extremely opposing elevations with corresponding substrates: in mixed hardwood forest on the higher elevations of the Pakaraima Mountains and on the alluvial soils (with predominately white sand) of Whitewater Creek (in the lowlands). In Suriname the specimens were found on low elevations in the tropical moist lowland forests of the Brokopondo lake area, but also on the red sands of the tropical savanna forests of Kabalebo (Nickerie) and the Riperian forests with loamy substrate of the Winanna creek (according to the records of the National Herbarium of Suriname and voucher specimens on GBIF). From the voucher specimen description for the Guyana specimens (in GBIF) it appears that the species was collected during the flowering period, in July and August. Other than that no ecological information on the species seems to be available.
Threats Information
With the available information it is not likely that there are any major threats to the species in Guyana. This assumption is based on the fact that one location is within a Guyanese national forest reserve (Iwokrama). The higher elevations and remoteness of the Pakaraima mountains also make it unlikely that the species there might go extinct.
In Suriname, however, the subpopulations might be threatened by gold-mining activities, that destroy and degrade the river and creek drainages along with the vegetation on the banks (in the Brokopondo lake area). The subpopulation in the Kabalebo area (Nickerie) can be flooded, if future Surinamese Governments decide to proceed with the planned Kabalebo hydro dam project. However unlikely, this scenario must be taken into account for future assessments of the species.
As several specimens in French Guiana were collected near a disturbed forest edge of a forest concession, it can be assumed that some unintended effects following harvesting activities (road building, skid trails, etc.) can put pressure on the habitats of the species subpopulation in that particular area (Piste St. Elie).
Use and Trade Information
There is currently no information available on the economic or subsistence value of the species.
Conservation Actions Information
There are no species specific conservation measures in place. For the individuals located in the Iwokrama Forest Reserve of Guyana, the status of the area with the goal of rainforest conservation, consequently provides local protection of the species subpopulation in that area, as it is part of the rainforest ecosystem.