This species is poorly known but reportedly common in parts of its known range. Little is known on its distribution, population, habitats and potential threats; therefore, it is listed as Data Deficient.
Geographic Range Information
This species occurs in the far eastern Pacific from Mexico: Caleta de Chon, Manzanillo, Playa Coral and Morros del Potosi at Guerrero, and at La Tijera, Montosa and Mazunte in Oaxaca (Reyes-Bonilla 2003, Reyes-Bonilla et al. 2005); Clipperton Atoll (Glynn and Ault 2000); Ecuador: Galapagos Archipelago (Hickman 2005); potentially in Panama (H. Guzmán pers. comm. 2008). It has also been confirmed from Moorea, French Polynesia and may be more widespread in the central Pacific than is currently known (Noel et al. 2023, Armstrong et al. 2023).
The depth range is 0–30 m.
Population Information
This species is common at Clipperton Atoll and rocky foreshores of western Mexico. It is a poorly known species in general (Veron et al. 2016).
Reyes-Bonilla (2003) classified this specie as rare in mainland Mexico (Guerrero and Oaxaca). According to CONABIO (2006), population trends of this coral in Mexico are presumed to be stable.
In the Galápagos Islands, the relative abundance of this species varies between uncommon at the northern Islands of Darwin and Wolf to rare in the rest of the Archipelago (Hickman 2005).
In the event that the presence of this species is confirmed in Panama, its populations should be regarded as uncommon or rare (H. Guzmán pers. comm. 2008).
Habitat and Ecology Information
Pocillopora is common on most reefs, especially along the reef front, where it may occur in dense banks (Wood 1983).
Shallow reef environments and rocky foreshore that are exposed to strong wave action.
Pocilloporid corals, presumably including this species, are generally amongst the strongest coral competitors with relatively high rates of calcification (Glynn 2001). However, coral species exhibiting high rates of calcification usually have relatively high mortality rates (Glynn 2000). Pocilloporid corals also usually predominate at shallow depths (1-15 m). Amongst the reef building corals in the Eastern Tropical Pacific region, pocilloporid species have the highest growth rates (Guzmán and Cortes 1993). They are the principal framework builders on Panamanian reefs (Glynn 2001).
Pocillopora species are preyed on by at least nine groups of consumers. These vary in their consumption patterns, but include:
a) Species that bite off colony branch-tips: pufferfishes (Arothron), parrotfishes (Scaridae), filefishes (Monacanthidae) (Glynn 2002).
b) Species that scrape skeletal surface: hermit crabs (Trizopagurus, Aniculus, and Calcinus) (Glynn 2002).
c) Species that remove tissues but leave the skeleton intact: gastropods (Jenneria pustulata and Quoyula sp. (Glynn 2002)), buterflyfishes, angelfishes, damselfish (Stegastes acapulcoensis), and Acanthaster planci (Glynn 2002).
d) Species that abrade tissues and skeleton: Eucidaris galapagensis (Glynn 2001).
Jenneria and Acanthaster can kill whole, relatively large (approx. 30 cm in diameter) colonies of Pocillopora (Glynn 2002). Pocilloporid species can have crab (Trapezia sp.) and alpheid shrimp as mutualistic symbionts that protect the coral from the attack of the crown-of-thorns sea star (Glynn 2001).
The age at first maturity of most reef-building corals is typically three to eight years (Wallace 1999). Based on this, we infer that the average age of mature individuals of this species is greater than eight years. Based on average sizes and growth rates, we also infer that the average length of one generation is 10 years. Longevity is not known, but is likely to be greater than 10 years. Therefore, any population decline rates estimated for the purposes of this Red List assessment are measured over a time period of 30 years.
Threats Information
In general, species of this genus are highly susceptible to bleaching (McClanahan et al. 2007, Hughes et al. 2017, Khen et al. 2023), but also have high recovery potential (Darling et al. 2013). Pocilloporid species as well as other major reef building corals within the Eastern Tropical Pacific (Porites, Pavona, Gardinoseris) catastrophically declined in the Galápagos Archipelago and Cocos Island after 1983. Recovery observed since that time was in large part nullified by the 1997-98 ENSO event (Glynn 2000). According to Glynn et al.(1988), pocilloporid coral mortality in the eastern Pacific was high, ranging from 51% at Caño Island to 76-85% in Panama and 97-100% in the Galápagos Islands (Glynn et al. 1988).
Glynn (1994) suggests that the sea urchin Eucidaris galapagensis (syn. E. thouarsii) provides important biotic control of pocilloporid reef development. This urchin is the most persistent corallivore in the Galapagos Islands, where it is often observed grazing on pocilloporid corals (Glynn 2001). Overfishing is probably responsible for some ecological imbalance on coral reefs that could prolong recovery from other disturbances (Glynn 2001). Moreover, Edgar et al. (unpublished manuscript 2008) reported that over-exploitation of sea urchin predators (lobsters and fishes), along with ENSO, has a major effect in the condition and distribution of corals in the Galapagos Islands, by increasing the grazer and bioerosion pressure on corals. Coral mortality associated with phytoplankton blooms has been reported from Caño Island, Costa Rica, and Uva Island, Panama, in 1985; where mortality of pocilloporid species (especially P. capitata and P. elegans) was in the order of 100% and 13% respectively at 3 m depth (Guzmán et al. 1990).
According to Glynn (2001), pocilloporid coral harvesting is an important threat in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, especially along the continental coast. This activity has virtually eliminated pocilloporid corals from Acapulco (Mexico), Bahia Culebra (Costa Rica), Taboga Island (Panama), and parts of the coast of Ecuador (Glynn 2001). Nevertheless, this activity is now largely excluded from Costa Rica and Panama (H. Guzmán pers. comm. 2008). Bryant et al. (1998), based on four anthropogenic factors (coastal development; overexploitation and destructive fishing practice; inland pollution and erosion, and marine pollution), estimated a high threat to coral reefs along the coasts of Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. High levels of siltation caused by accelerated coastal erosion have degraded coral reefs in Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador (Glynn 2001). Other threats include: a) predation principally by Acanthaster and Jenneria (Glynn 2002, 1994, 2000), and b) harvesting for the curio trade, an activity that has virtually eliminated pocilloporid corals from Acapulco (Mexico), Bahia Culebra (Costa Rica), Taboga Island (Panama), and parts of the coast of Ecuador (Glynn 2001).
In general, the major threat to corals is global climate change, in particular, temperature extremes leading to bleaching and increased susceptibility to disease, increased severity of ENSO events and storms, and ocean acidification.
Coral disease has emerged as a serious threat to coral reefs worldwide with increases in numbers of diseases, coral species affected, and geographic extent (Ward et al. 2004, Sutherland et al. 2004, Sokolow et al. 2009). Outbreaks of coral diseases have damaged coral reefs worldwide with the most widespread, virulent, and longest running coral disease outbreak currently occurring on the Florida Reef Tract and throughout the Caribbean. The disease, stony coral tissue loss disease, has been ongoing since 2014 (Precht et al. 2016) and has devastated affected reefs along Florida (Walton et al. 2018, Williams et al. 2021) and throughout the Caribbean (Alvarez-Filip et al. 2019, Kramer et al. 2019). Numerous disease outbreaks have also occurred in the Indo-Pacific (Willis et al. 2004, Aeby et al. 2011; 2016), Indian Ocean (Raj et al. 2016) and Persian Gulf (Howells et al. 2020). Escalating anthropogenic stressors combined with the threats associated with global climate change of increases in coral disease, frequency and duration of coral bleaching and ocean acidification place coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific at high risk of collapse.
Localized threats to corals include fisheries, human development (industry, settlement, tourism, and transportation), changes in native species dynamics (competitors, predators, pathogens and parasites), invasive species (competitors, predators, pathogens and parasites), dynamite fishing, chemical fishing, pollution from agriculture and industry, domestic pollution, sedimentation, and human recreation and tourism activities. The severity of these combined threats to the global population of each individual species is not known.
Use and Trade Information
Conservation Actions Information
All stony corals are listed on CITES Appendix II. Parts of the species’ range overlaps with Marine Protected Areas.
Recommended measures for conserving this species include research in taxonomy, population, abundance and trends, ecology and habitat status, threats and resilience to threats, restoration action; identification, establishment and management of new protected areas; expansion of protected areas; recovery management; and disease, pathogen and parasite management. Artificial propagation and techniques such as cryo-preservation of gametes may become important for conserving coral biodiversity.
Further study of this poorly known species is needed (Veron et al. 2016).