Syzygium arcuatinervium occurs in the Philippines and Malaysia. This species naturally thrives in lowland dipterocarp forests in the Philippines and primary disturbed forest, secondary forest, and montane forest in Malaysia. It usually grows at an elevation of 10 to 2,000 m above sea level. It has a relatively large extent of occurrence (EOO) of 1,025,195.358 km² where its prominent geographic distribution indicates its adaptability in various countries. It also considered to have a large total population given its wide distribution. Though its population size is currently not known, incurs continuous, slow, but significant decline in area, extent and quality of habitat due to habitat-threatening effects of commodity-driven deforestation, logging activities, shifting agriculture, and urbanization. However, although there is decline in the EOO, AOO, and quality of habitat, the species was still assessed as Least Concern given the large EOO and the threats are not thought to significantly affect the survival of this species. Conservation both, in situ and ex situ would be an essential initiative in preventing the species from being pushed into any threatened category in the future.
Geographic Range Information
Syzygium arcuatinervium is native to the Philippines and Malaysia. The species is found in lowland dipterocarp forests of Albay, Bataan, Bulacan, Cagayan, Camarines, Davao del Sur, Isabela, Laguna, Leyte, Negros, Occidental Mindoro, Palawan, Rizal, Romblon, Samar and Surigao, Philippines as well as in primary disturbed forest, secondary forest, and montane forest of Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. It usually grows at an elevation of 10 to 2,000 m above sea level (GBIF 2022). It has an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 1,025,195.358 km² accounting for its 20 identified localities that are continuously threatened by commodity-driven deforestation, logging activities, shifting agriculture, and urbanization (GFW 2022).
Population Information
There is no information on the population size of the species. However, a decline is suspected due to the continuous loss of tree cover within the provinces.
Habitat and Ecology Information
Syzygium arcuatinervium is a small to large tree species with a height ranging from seven to 25 m. It naturally thrives in lowland dipterocarp forests in the Philippines and primary disturbed forest, secondary forest, and montane forest in Malaysia. It usually grows at an elevation of 10 to 2,000 m above sea level (GBIF 2022). There is no information on the phenology of the species.
Threats Information
Syzygium arcuatinervium is primarily threatened by land conversion and habitat degradation caused by commodity-driven deforestation, logging activities, shifting agriculture, and urbanization. Based on the Global Forest Watch data, a significant loss of tree cover from 2001 to 2020 is reported across the range (provinces) of the species – 378,980ha in the Philippines and 4.71Mha in Malaysia.
Use and Trade Information
Information on the trade and use of Syzygium arcuatinervium is unknown but it has potential uses similar with species belonging to the same genus. In general, the tannin-yielding bark of Syzygium species is used for toughening fishing nets and used as dye for colouring clothes (reddish-brown or black) (PROSEA 2016a). On the other hand, the wood of Syzygium species is used for heavy and light construction, house construction (posts and poles), window sills, furniture, flooring, telegraph poles, ships, bridges, railway sleepers, bottom boards of railway carriages, implements, fibreboard, and veneer and plywood. Also, the wood is used for charcoal and as fuelwood (PROSEA 2016b). In addition, Syzygium species are potential antioxidants due to being rich in tannins, flavonoids, essential oils, anthocyanins, and other phenolic constituents (Eshwarappa et al. 2014).
Conservation Actions Information
The species is not listed in the Philippine Red List and therefore not protected by law against illegal collection or extraction from the wild (DENR-BMB 2017). However, the population of the species is protected in situ because of its presence in declared protected areas (PAs) such as Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape, Mount Makiling Forest Reserve, Mt. Calavite Wildlife Sanctuary, Mt. Guiting-Guiting Natural Park, Ilog-Hilabangan Watershed Forest Reserve, and Mt. Apo Natural Park. It is also recorded in Mariveles mountains, a key biodiversity area. Although these are supported by law, conservation of the species' population is not guaranteed due to several threats which may cause rapid population. Thus, species-specific conservation programmes, including cultivation in botanic gardens for ex situ collection are recommended to ensure its continuous survival.