Taxonomic Notes
The number of salmonid taxa within some genera (e.g. Salmo, Salvelinus, and Coregonus) listed in various taxonomic databases (e.g. Fishbase or Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes) has increased very rapidly over the past 15-20 years. Many of these taxa are not widely accepted across the international community and are associated with very sparse data, leading to significant difficulty in accurately carrying out Red List assessments. The SSG strongly recommends a rigorous evaluation of the validity of these species designations, which can have real implications where legal protection is reflected by the use of these binomial taxonomic names.
Coregonus tugun occurs in Arctic Ocean basin rivers of Siberia, from the Ob' to the Yana. Threats to this species include habitat degradation and commercial fishing. However, this species is very widespread and occurs within multiple protected areas across Siberia within its range. Therefore, it is assessed as Least Concern. Population and habitat monitoring are recommended.
Geographic Range Information
Coregonus tugun occurs in Arctic Ocean basin rivers of Siberia, from the Ob' to the Yana. This includes Lake Lama of the Pyasina basin and Lake Yessei of the Khatanga drainage. In the Ob' drainge, there is a fragmented distribution: the main part in the river Sosva and its tributaries (such as Lyapina and Manai); a separate group is in the Son, Sob', Voikar; Tavda, a tributary to Tobol; and an even more isolated group in the river Tom' (over 520 km of its course), the nearest part of the Ob' (at 300 km) and a small group in Chulym. Coregonus tugun is found in the Yenisei from Minusinsk to the delta inclusively; it is more numerous in the region from Yeniseisk to Nizhne-Turukhansk; entering the tributaries Tuba, Angara, Podkamennaya Tunguska, Kas, Elogui. In Lena, this species occurs in the middle and lower reaches, from Kirensk downstream to delta, and tributaries Vilyuy, Vitim, Aldan and Oleniok.
Popov (2007) indicates that the recent distribution of the species is fragmented as a result of regional threats. For example, in the first decades of the 20th Century, Coregonus tugun inhabited the tributaries of the Ob middle course - Tom, Chulym, a tributary of Tobol - Tavdu, but no longer does, because it is extremely sensitive to overfishing and, more significantly, water pollution. Also, due to damming of the Angara River, it only occurs at present in its non-regulated sections (Popov 2007).
Population Information
Within the Ob basin, pollution and intensive fishing in the middle of the 20th Century pushed this species to the brink of extinction. Here, the last observations were in the channel of Poros, located below the city of Tomsk, and occurred decades ago. This species has been extirpated from the Tom' and Chugun. It is still present only in some tributaries of the Lower Ob River (Sosvinsky Tugun) (Romanov et al. 2017). In polluted lakes (such as Lake Pyasino) resorption of sexual products and a mass missing of the spawning season was recorded (Popov 2007). In general, this species has declined in commercial catches (Popov 2007).
Habitat and Ecology Information
Coregonus tugun has a maximum age of 7+ years, length of up to 20 cm, and a weight up to 80 g (Reshetnikov 2002, Popov 2007). Among Siberian whitefishes, this is the most thermophilic species, foraging in small and well heated areas (approximately 20o C) (Reshetnikov 2002, Popov 2007). In the Ob basin, after the opening of the ice cover it feeds in floodplain lakes and with the beginning of the water level decline, the rivers rise again (Reshetnikov 2002, Popov 2007). This species spawns in autumn in the headwaters of the rivers or in mountain rivers in the current, also wintering in the rivers themselves (Reshetnikov 2002, Popov 2007). In the Norilsk lakes, Coregonus tugun is represented by a lake and river form that mainly feeds on zooplankton, insects and fish eggs (Reshetnikov 2002, Popov 2007). In the Ob basin it matures at the age of 1+ and 2+ years, reaching a length of 13 cm and weighs 20-22 g, whereas in the Norilsk lakes, it reaches a length of 8-11 cm and weighs 5-11 g at the age of 2+ years (Reshetnikov 2002, Popov 2007). This species spawns in mountain rivers on stony gravel or sandy bottoms from late September to October with a fecundity of 630-10,570 eggs (Reshetnikov 2002, Popov 2007).
Threats Information
It is extremely sensitive to overfishing and water pollution (Popov 2007). This species also is threatened by damming of the Angara River, causing it to only occur in its non-regulated sections (Popov 2007).
Use and Trade Information
Within the Ob basin, this species endured intensive fishing over the middle of the 20th Century, pushing this species to the brink of extinction (Romanov et al. 2017). This species has declined in commercial catches (Popov 2007).
Conservation Actions Information
No conservation actions for this species are known. This species, however, is widespread and occurs in a number of nature reserves and protected areas, such as Central Siberia Nature reserve (Yenisei River), Russia. This population is known to be in decline, as is its habitat quality, and monitoring of both is recommended.