This species is a small to medium sized tree endemic to the Indonesian island of Java. It is primarily known from the western provinces of Banten and Jawa Barat (West Java), though its range does extend into Jawa Tengah (Central Java). It has an extent of occurrence of 31,718 km2, which falls just outside thresholds for a threatened category under criterion B1. It has a minimum area of occupancy (AOO) of 72 km2, with this considered to be a minimum estimate due to not necessarily including all actual occurrences of the species. However, given the availability of suitable habitat remaining within this species' range, it is highly unlikely that the true AOO will exceed the 2,000 km2 threshold required to apply a threatened category under criterion B2. This species is estimated to occur at 17 locations, with 11 of these inferred from satellite imagery to be threatened by deforestation, with agriculture, human settlements and plantations appearing to be the main causes. Though rates of deforestation on Java are relatively low, the majority of locations are unprotected and therefore a continuing decline in the area, extent or quality of suitable habitat is likely in some areas. There are insufficient data to determine if this species is severely fragmented and there is no evidence that it is experiencing extreme fluctuations. The population size of this species is also unknown and its current trend is also unknown, although it was historically recorded as a common or abundant species in hill forests and near Cibodas. Whether it is still a common species is unknown. Only six of the known locations occur within protected areas and these are the most likely areas to be able to support any large or viable subpopulations. Further research into the population size of this species, as well as its generation length, is needed in order to assess this species under criterion A, C or D. Based on the available data, this species is assessed as Near Threatened under criterion B2b(iii). Research into the current distribution of this species is recommended to determine if it still occurs at all of the known sites. Sixty percent of known records were made prior to 1930 and therefore some subpopulations could have been extirpated in this time, which would mean the number of locations is possibly lower than currently estimated.
Geographic Range Information
This species is endemic to Java in Indonesia, where it has been recorded predominantly from the western provinces of Banten and Jawa Barat (West Java). There are additionally some records from Jawa Tengah (Central Java). It occurs at elevations up to approximately 1,200 m asl (Warburg 1900).
Population Information
There is no information on the population size of this species. However, it was described as common 'in the hill jungles of western Java' (Kurz 1867) and 'very abundant' in primary forest near Cibodas (Leefmans 1921). The current population trend is unknown.
Habitat and Ecology Information
This species is a small to medium sized slender, clustered tree which grows to around 2 to 8 m tall near beaches or coastal areas near the shore, in open, moist lowland forests towards the coast and in submontane forests further inland (Windadri 2009, Keim et al. 2020). It is found in the Western Java Rain Forests and Western Java Montane Rain Forests ecoregions (Dinerstein et al. 2017).
Threats Information
A review of the status of the known localities using satellite imagery shows that 11 out of 17 locations are unprotected, with the majority in a state of partial disturbance through to almost complete deforestation. The primary causes of this appear to be agriculture, human settlements and plantations. Lowland forest areas on Java have largely been deforested, meaning there is very little remaining habitat outside of protected areas. This deforestation mainly took place between the late 1800's and early 1900's and again during the 1940's and 1960's (Whitten et al. 1997). Sixty percent of the known records of this species were made prior to 1930 and therefore many of these localities may have changed considerably since the records were made and it is possible the species may have been extirpated from some. Though rates of deforestation are currently very low, this is largely due to all remaining extensive areas of forest existing within protected areas only. It appears unlikely that there will be many large or viable subpopulations of this species existing outside of protected areas, though remnant trees or small subpopulations may still exist. Additionally, 60% of the known records of this species were recorded prior to 1930 and therefore the current status of these subpopulations is very unclear as the availability of habitat at the sites may have changed considerably since the records were made.
Use and Trade Information
There are no recorded uses for this species.
Conservation Actions Information
This species has been recorded from Ujung Kulon National Park, Gunung Halimun - Salak National Park, Gunung Gede - Pangrango National Park, Gunung Burangrang Nature Reserve, Pananjung Pangandaran Nature Reserve and Gunung Pancar Nature Tourism Park (UNEP-WCMC and IUCN 2023). There are three ex situ collections held by botanic gardens worldwide (BGCI 2023).