This species is widespread across northern South America. The species is abundant across much of its range, particularly in riparian areas. However there are areas of low density. The species is subject to ongoing population decline due to the harvest and extraction of the species for timber and habitat loss in the region. This is particularly prevalent in Brazil where some local subpopulations have become commercially extinct and there is illegal logging. Despite this, the species remains abundant in unlogged forest in the Guiana shield and other parts of its range. The species can also grow in disturbed areas. Therefore, the global population decline is suspected to fall outside the boundaries of a threatened category under Criterion A. The species is globally assessed as Least Concern. Monitoring and research is needed to better inform harvest and management of the species across the range.
Geographic Range Information
This species is widespread in northern South America. The species is no longer considered native to Panama and Costa Rica, instead the distribution is restricted to South America where it is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. It is also known from Trinidad and Tobago. In Brazil the species is found in the states of Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins, Ceará, Maranhão, Piauí and Mato Grosso (Reflora 2020). Comparatively, in Bolivia the species occupies a small geographic area.
Population Information
The species is described as abundant in flooded forests of the Rio Negro basin (CNCFlora 2012). The species can also be abundant in other localities, including other flood plains but density can be lower in other sites. In Brazil it is suspected that there has been more than a 30% reduction in subpopulations over the last three generations. This is due to heavy extraction of the species for timber, which has led to some local commercial extinction of the species (CNCFlora 2012). There is still high annual extraction of the species, mostly as a result of illegal logging activities.
In Bolivia, the species has a very low density within the geographic range it occupies (MMAyA 2020).
This is one of the most common trees in lowland Suriname (Fern 2023).
Globally the population of the species is suspected to be in decline due to harvest and use of the species for timber and also local land use change across the range of the species. The decline is not expected to exceed 30% globally, over three generations given the abundance of the species across its range, the occurrence of the species in protected areas and unlogged forest (such as in parts of the Guiana shield).
Habitat and Ecology Information
This species is a medium to large tree, 25–30 m tall. It is a primary species of swamp and inundated forest types and also recorded from secondary forests. The species has been known to develop in disturbed habitats. The species begins to fruit and flower at six years, with flowering occurring between August and November and February to April (CNCFlora 2012) with fruiting between February and May. Seed dispersal is by birds, monkeys and water.
Threats Information
Due to its international and local economic value the species is one of the most targeted trees for lumber in the Amazon estuary (Ferreira et al. 2014). There is high harvest pressure on the species in Brazil, due to its importance in the local and national economy. This has led to high rate of extraction of trees, and the promotion of illegal logging for the species. Although laws and procedures are in place to protect the species illegal logging still occurs (CNCFlora 2012).
Habitat loss across the Amazon region is also a major threat to the species. With land use change for agriculture and extension of roads being a major cause of this. This is the major threat to the species in Bolivia, where forest fragmentation is also of concern.
Use and Trade Information
The timber is important in international trade. It is used for plywood manufacturing, packaging and wooden products. An edible fat can also be derived from the seeds.
In Brazil timber production is essential for the economy. Selective logging and control measures have been put in place but they are poorly understood and not well enforced, leading to the illegal, over-extraction of this species in the wild. Given that the species reproduces from a young age and can be grown in disturbed conditions there is potential for sustained management and yield of this species, both for timber and also for reforestation in riparian regions in Brazil (CNCflora 2012).
Use of the species by local indigenous groups is also important to the local economy. These groups also use the ucuúba tallow from the species to treat a variety of medicinal ailments (CNCFlora 2012).
There is potential for the species to be more widely used medicinally or as a source of bio-diesel from the oils extracted from seeds (CNCFlora 2012).
Conservation Actions Information
This species occurs in protected areas across its distribution and is reported from three ex situ collections (BGCI 2023). The species has been nationally assessed as Vulnerable in Brazil (CNCFlora 2012) and Endangered in Bolivia (MMAyA 2020).
It is recommended that management plans are established for the species, and better enforced that those currently in place. Research may be needed to provide up to date information on the best methods of management for the species. Ex situ conservation is also needed.