The extent of occurrence (EOO) is approximately 44,000 km2 with 99 % of this in southeastern Queensland. There are more than 10 locations and the population is not considered to be severely fragmented. Although significant past decline has occurred within the last three generations (at least 150 years) it has not been possible to quantify its extent. Recent reports of dieback of mature trees in the Bunya Bunya Mountains highlight the need for continuous monitoring. Based on current knowledge, Araucaria bidwillii is assessed as Least Concern.
Although the overall assessment is Least Concern, the subpopulations at Mt Lewis and Cannabullen Falls contain few individuals and are very restricted in their extent and as such, are highly susceptible to fire, disease and invasive species (if they are lost the EOO would reduce to about 11,000 km2). Genetic analysis indicates that these northern subpopulations are highly distinctive and there is a potential threat from outbreeding depression due to the widescale planting of ornamental and amenity trees that have originated from the southern subpopulations. These northern subpopulations should be managed as distinct units.
Geographic Range Information
Restricted to two areas in Queensland, Australia that are separated by over 1,000 km. The EOO is approximately 144,000 km2; 99% of this species is in southeastern Queensland as the two northern localities (Mt Lewis and Cannabullen Falls) are very limited in their extent. If the EOO, based on recent fieldwork (I. Smith unpubl. data) and reliable literature records (e.g. Pye and Gadek 2004), excluded the intervening area between the most northern locality in southern Queensland and Cannabullen Falls in northern Queensland, it would be about 11,000 km2.
Population Information
The isolated northern subpopulation has less than 100 mature individuals. Genetic investigations indicate that this population differs significantly from those in the south and that its conservation should be a priority. Southern subpopulations range in size from a few tens of trees to over 1,000. They are likely to be the remnants of an almost continuous larger population that stretched from the coastal areas into the Bunya Mountains (Pye 2004). The overall population trend is likely to be stable but recent reports of dieback in the Bunya Bunya National Park suggest a potential decline in mature individuals. Further research and monitoring is required.
Habitat and Ecology Information
Araucaria bidwillii is a large, emergent tree in subtropical rainforest on basaltic or other igneous substrates that is sometimes associated with A. cunninghamii. It occupies the ecotone between moist angiosperm-dominated forest and drier vine thickets with partly deciduous trees, particularly in the southern part of its disjunct range. The forest is divided into larger and smaller woods by ‘balds’, coarse grasslands or open savannas which form sharp boundaries with the forest patches. Annual precipitation is 1,100–1,400 mm in the southern area, with heavy rains in summer but with a dry season from April/May to September. In contrast to this, the northern populations lie close to the wettest part of the Australian continent, where there is a more evenly distributed annual precipitation of 1,500–2,000 mm (Picone 2014). Abundant seed is produced in mast years at approximately three-year intervals. Seeds remain in the cone until after it falls off the tree; they may be dispersed by water flowing in creeks and gullies, rolling down a slope or by animal vectors such as the Mountain Brush-tail Possum, Trichosurus caninus (Smith et al. 2007)
Threats Information
Some stands in the Bunya Bunya National Park have recently been impacted by Phytopthora multivora (Shuey et al. 2019). The subpopulations at Mt Lewis and Canabullen Falls contain few individuals and are very restricted in their extent: as such they are potentially highly susceptible to wildfires, invasive species and disease (Picone 2014). Genetic analysis indicates that these northern subpopulations are highly distinctive and there is a potential threat from potential outbreeding depression due to the widescale planting of ornamental and amenity trees that have originated from the southern subpopulations.
Use and Trade Information
The indigenous people of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales consider this species to be sacred and their edible seeds (or nuts) were, and still are, a ceremonial food of great significance. The forests were the focal point of major seasonal ceremonial gatherings that brought together thousands of people from a wide area (Huth and Holzworth 2005).
Early European settlers in Queensland harvested trees for their good quality timber that was used in cabinet making and construction. Some attempts were made to establish plantations but these were largely unsuccessful. Araucaria bidwillii is widely planted as an ornamental.
Conservation Actions Information
The majority of the remaining subpopulations and locations are within protected areas. One of these, the Bunya Mountains National Park, was the second national park to be established in Queensland, in 1908.