This species is listed as Critically Endangered because of a suspected population decline of more than 80% over a ten year period (2015–2025) based on the high rate of habitat loss taking place on the Massif de la Selle and the Sierra de Bahoruco, Hispaniola. Although this species ranges slightly into the Dominican Republic, where the rate of habitat loss is slower, most of its range is in Haiti where its habitat is rapidly shrinking.
Geographic Range Information
This species is restricted to the Massif de la Hotte and the Massif de la Selle in Haiti, and Sierra de Bahoruco in the Dominican Republic, western Hispaniola. It has been recorded from 576–1,515 m asl.
Population Information
It is an uncommon species in the Dominican Republic; over the course of a two-hour survey three males were detected (L. Diaz pers. comm. 2011; S. Inchaustegui and M. Landestoy 2020). In Haiti, it can be locally common in suitable habitat in Massif de la Hotte, including sites within the areas of Grand Bois and Macaya, however, these subpopulations are under increasing threat (C. Martinez-Rivera, M. Fildor, A. Jean, and M. Landestoy pers. comm. 2020). The species is much less abundant in the Massif de la Selle (C. Martinez-Rivera pers. comm. 2020). The population is likely to be severely fragmented (Hispaniola Red List Assessment Workshop 2020).
The population is suspected to have declined and is expected to continue to decline at a rate of at least 80% over a ten year period from 2015–2025, inferred from the high rate of habitat loss throughout its range (Hispaniola Red List Assessment Workshop 2020). Most (95%) of the remaining montane primary forest in Haiti (as of 2016) is on two mountains, Macaya-Grande Colline in the Massif de la Hotte (1,451 ha or 6.5% if its area) and the Massif de la Selle (1,582 ha or 1.5% of its area). The third largest amount of remaining primary forest is on Deux Mamelles in the Massif de la Hotte (51.3 ha or 7.1% of its area), with all other mountains each having less than 20 ha of primary forest above 1,000 m asl (Hedges et al. 2018). Hedges et al. (2018) predicted that, at the current rates of deforestation, all remaining montane primary forest will disappear by 2036, and mountain balding (i.e., complete loss of primary forest) will occur for the Massif de La Selle by the year 2025, the Montagnes Macaya by 2032, and Morne Grand Bois by 2037.
Habitat and Ecology Information
This arboreal species is usually found along cliff-sides, rocky terrain and in sinkhole caves within upland broadleaf forest and forest remnants, in secondary forests, and in shade-grown coffee plantations. It has not been recorded in open areas or from severely disturbed habitats (Hispaniola Red List Assessment Workshop 2020). Males call from tall vegetation and rocks. Eggs are laid on the ground (clutch size varies from 19–24 eggs; Hedges in Henderson and Powell 2009), and it breeds by direct development.
Threats Information
In Haiti, the primary threat is habitat destruction (due to charcoaling and small-holder and agro-industry agriculture), which is ongoing even in the protected areas. Similarly, deforestation is taking place at the Sierra de Bahoruco in the Dominican Republic as a result of charcoaling and agro-industry farming, mainly for avocados. Both natural and human-induced fires are taking place and increasing in frequency, especially in dry years, which could be exacerbated by the effects of climate change (Hispaniola Red List Assessment Workshop 2020). Analyses of frogs in Haiti have indicated that the loss of primary forest, even if replaced by secondary forest, results in the extirpation or extinction of species (Hedges et al. 2018).
Use and Trade Information
There are no records of this species being utilized.
Conservation Actions Information
Conservation Actions In-Place
In Haiti, this species occurs in Parc National Macaya and Parc National Morne La Visite, and Parcs Nationaux Forêt des pins Unit I and Forêt des pins Unit II, however there is little to no management of these areas for conservation, and the habitat continues to be destroyed. It also occurs in Grand Bois Reserve, which has relatively better management practices (Hispaniola Red List Assessment Workshop 2020). In the Dominican Republic, this species is known from Parque Nacional Sierra de Bahoruco, however, degradation of the habitat within the park's limits continues. Analyses of satellite data for the countries of Haiti (Hedges et al. 2018) and the Dominican Republic (Sangermano et al. 2015) have shown that protected areas and reserves are often ineffective conservation actions unless accompanied by effective management.
It is listed as Critically Endangered A3c in the Red List of the Dominican Republic (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la República Dominicana 2011).
Conservation Needed
Strengthened management of the existing protected area(s) and habitat restoration are essential for this species' long-term survival (Hispaniola Red List Assessment Workshop 2020). Expansion of effective forest preservation and strengthened management of the existing protected areas are essential for this species' long-term survival. Community education and awareness programmes aimed to generate knowledge of and appreciation for the Dominican Republic's endemic amphibians are recommended (Hispaniola Red List Assessment Workshop 2020).
Research Needed
More information is needed on this species' distribution, population status, ecology, and threats. More information is needed on this species' distribution, population status, and ecology. Long-term studies such as monitoring programmes are required to evaluate its population status. More research is needed on this species' ecology and seasonality patterns, as well as, the species-specific response to the effects of fires and climate change over time (Hispaniola Red List Assessment Workshop 2020).